The Hot Desk #5: morning routines of book designers
In our final instalment of The Hot Desk for the year, we check in with Nada, a freelance designer based in Sydney and Adam, an in-house designer in Melbourne about their morning routines.
Nada Backovic
Freelance designer, Sydney
My mornings take advantage of the freelance life with a leisurely walk around Iron Cove Bay (but not before a good long black). A short, music-pumped drive gets me to my new office space in Stanmore. After a long stretch of working from home, I’m now in a shared space, but still have my very own office to do what I will (it’s a work in progress). My desk faces the door for good Feng Shui and to take advantage of chatting with the neighbours as they walk by! My working morning starts with organising the day ahead with a fresh to do list; I like to keep on top of things by prioritising. There is usually a bit of “important” stuff to do, like checking to see if Sydney to London flight prices are any good! But before long, I’ll be in the creative zone, actually getting work done.

Adam Laszczuk
Executive Designer, Penguin Random House, Melbourne
I get into the office pretty early. It’s really quiet which allows me to get a lot done before most others turn up. I arrive, I start up the beast (my computer) and then duck out to grab a coffee (a must) while it starts up. This is followed by doing whatever small tasks I remembered on the train ride to work or just checking in on a few design pages to get switched on. Then I get stuck into my bigger tasks. I usually have a good idea of what needs to be done, picking up where I left off the day before or consulting my to do list. Lists are great. Nothing better than crossing something off when completed; it’s very satisfying. I try to not check emails until later in the morning. Not sure why… it’s just become a habit.