Ashley Tardy
Ashley has been working in the creative industry for the last 9 years. Her love of book cover design began whilst working with local playwrights and productions companies, within the Melbourne theatre scene. She has been working at Oxford University… Read more
Jens Troeger
Jens is an experienced software engineer by trade, a book lover, designer and typo-phile after hours. He has designed books for print and e-publishing, but his main interest lies with improving the intelligent book analysis and conversion software available through…
Nicole Arnett Phillips
Nicole has 16 years’ experience in editorial/publication design, typesetting, data visualization and art direction, (both in-house and freelance) with publishing companies in Australia and New Zealand. Her working week is currently split between Nicoleap (where she designs documents for clients)…
Sharnai James-McGovern
Passionate about books, Sharnai first got started as a book designer by chance. With a graphic design background from the Queensland University of Technology Sharnai then took on a Masters of Arts (Writing, Editing, Publishing) at the University of Queensland.
Ozan Tortop
Ozan studied graphic design and first worked in advertising. He then discovered children’s book design and happily left the ad world to become the art director of a publishing house. Ozan then accidentally wrote a young adult science fiction novel,…