Q&A with Mary Callahan, the 2021 Hall of Fame Recipient
Last night’s 69th Australian Book Design Awards saw us welcome the very talented Mary Callahan into the ABDA Hall of Fame. Mary’s work as a book designer has contributed in a large part to the ongoing excellence of Australian… Read more
The Australian Book Designer’s Survey 2018 (And why you should take part)
A post by ABDA member Mary Callahan (who instigated the survey idea originally).
The Art of Correspondence
Mary Callahan, the award-winning designer of ‘The Art of Reading’, shares the story of her design through correspondence with the book’s publisher. 16 October 2015, 11:58am Dearest M Brief as follows: Short synopsis In The…
Local Knowledge: Covers Customised for the Australian Market
So a publisher wants to remake an overseas book cover for Australian shops. What are they thinking? What are the designers thinking? Why is a cover good for one place but not another? Australian designers reveal the local knowledge behind…